Jonathan Livingston Seagull

“They are saying in the Flock that if you are not the Son of the Great Gull Himself”, Fletcher told Jonathan one morning after Advanced Speed Practice, “then you are a thousand years ahead of your time.”
Jonathan sighed. The price of being misunderstood he thought. They call you devil or they call you god. “What do you think, Fletch? Are we ahead of our time?”
A long silence, “Well, this kind of flying has always been here to be learned by anyone who wanted to discover it; that’s got nothing to do with time. We’re ahead of the fashion, maybe. Ahead of the way that most gulls fly.”“That’s something,” Jonathan said, rolling to glide inverted for a while. “That’s not half as bad as being ahead of our time”.
Richard Bach
Jonathan Livingston Seagull

The Seagull Speaks Creative Commons Copyright

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

When No-Thing Matters

Someone said to me recently, 'nothing/no-thing matters; i.e. when 'no-thing matters', when we don't worry too much and don't try to force things, all possibilities remain open/available, since they only crystallise into actuality (matter) when we focus on, focus on negative outcomes, worry and those will 'matter', become solid or actualised immediately and restrict the chances of a positive, beneficial outcome. 

In effect, we have the good grace to allow God/All That Is to choose with us, in the wisest way, from the maximum number of possibilitiess available. We truly participate in the choosing from that 'spacious present' and then we don't limit ourselves - when 'nothing/no-thing matters'!