Jonathan Livingston Seagull

“They are saying in the Flock that if you are not the Son of the Great Gull Himself”, Fletcher told Jonathan one morning after Advanced Speed Practice, “then you are a thousand years ahead of your time.”
Jonathan sighed. The price of being misunderstood he thought. They call you devil or they call you god. “What do you think, Fletch? Are we ahead of our time?”
A long silence, “Well, this kind of flying has always been here to be learned by anyone who wanted to discover it; that’s got nothing to do with time. We’re ahead of the fashion, maybe. Ahead of the way that most gulls fly.”“That’s something,” Jonathan said, rolling to glide inverted for a while. “That’s not half as bad as being ahead of our time”.
Richard Bach
Jonathan Livingston Seagull

The Seagull Speaks Creative Commons Copyright

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Events in the Middle East: The Power of Lightworkers

Ok, so here I am with my notepad for the first time in a while. I've just been pottering along on my own, ploughing my own furrow, but I feel the need to talk to you. You see, I need some advice, some reassurance, some explanations about what's been going on with me and the world recently.

Events are moving fast now, particularly in the Middle East. You have noticed this, it is obvious! Every day brings something new. Time dilates, time compresses into no-time. A thousand and one things are happening in no time at all. Things that used to take years to come into reality are happening within minutes and hours.

In the Middle East, a new level of group consciousness has arisen, which is breaking down the old barriers, the old structures as if they are made of ice that is now melting in the desert sun. And indeed they are. In this new age, the crystallized consciousness that is your material reality is more susceptible to change, to alterations in its fundamental structure. Many brave old souls in young bodies are actively pursuing their missions to make this new way of Being a reality. But, this is just the beginning. Expect to see much more soon. There is so much more to come.

But, most people, the majority in fact, seem to me to be oblivious to all this.

That is because they are oblivious up to a point. However, everyone is being given the opportunity to evolve in their own way right now. Everyone is achieving expanded levels of consciousness, higher rates of energetic vibration, but many have not yest crossed that  specific threshold where they become aware of their true identity. That is not to judge them. Each has his/her own path to take in time and space. But there are many of you lightworkers who have crossed that threshold and are already making a huge difference in the world.

But, I know that I for one feel sometimes (if not most of the time...LOL) like I'm going a bit mad (to say the least)..Am I going mad? Am I seeing too much in all of this? And then there are these symptoms in my body...I know I'm experiencing something ....Big!

Rest assured, this is simply the next phase of your evolution on the timeline you currently occupy. Madness is relative. Who really are the madmen? The people of the Middle East have realized the extent of their own power and are wrestling power back from their rulers who are so antiquated and have been so out of touch with their people for so long. It is the new young lions, the new generation of old souls, who are breaking down the illusions of power and separation from All that Is.

Your ever-increasing energy levels, the spiritual changes and the physiological changes that follow are making you extra-sensitive to many things. Trust your intuitions, trust your visions and the words that fall on you from above, seemingly from nowhere. This is your higher self speaking to you. The sum total of all your personalities in all dimensions, in all time lines. Listen and learn - understand. Have faith, believe. 

Everything is changing within you, so the collective consciousness is changing too. The higher energies break down and dissipate the lower energies. This is fundamental. However, there is still much work to be done, both physically and spiritually. But, your lightwork has not gone un-noticed on this side of the veil by all of us angels and archangels and entities comprising the sum of all your personalities.

Believe in yourselves! You are the Masters of your Universe! You are the directors of the movies you watch for you are creating those movies through your thoughts and feelings. It is a continuous feedback loop. Do you see? You are creating and re-creating your reality continuously through the inner work you have been doing. 

This is all you have to do. Focus on your visions for the New Earth, the feelings and thoughts your higher self is giving you glimpses of that you associate with this New Earth. Tantalizing aren't they, those images! 

You lightworkers yearn so much for the cozy blanket of Oneness you left behind long ago. You have tavelled long and difficult pathways in many lives in many dimensions. And now your time has come to totally shine your light, to be uninhibited, to facilitate the changes that you know must come.

"The end is near, but the beginning is beautiful" 

You wrote those words! Remember?

But the people of Libya, for example, are fighting for their lives and here am I sitting doing, basically....nothing! Can I do more? Surely, I must do more?

You cannot be there in your physical body, but it is the power of your own consciousness that you continue to under-estimate. Every time you meditate and create peaceful feelings, actually a field of peaceful energy, this energy acts on your surroundings, including other conscious entities, in many dimensions. This has effects you cannot even begin to imagine. Your efforts are enabling, empowering many people to recognize their higher callings - as freedom fighters for examples, warriors of freedom and peace.

Ultimately though it is all about experiences. All experiences are valid experiences. Even the tyrant has his purpose. 

You are altering the flow of events these days through the energy flowing from your hearts. It streams outward from you in all directions and it is beautiful to behold.

Have courage! Have faith! All is well! You will taste the fruits of your labours soon enough!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kundalini Yoga

I am loving getting up early to practice Kundalini yoga heart can't wait to get out of bed, to put my hands together and to call upon Universal consciousness and Divine Wisdom, to feel the energy flowing through me, to meditate and to feel the way my life is developing! As I write this, I feel the energy flowing through my heart, but also throughout my body....a complete feeling of loving bliss....perfect!